
来源:南宁家教网 日期:2017-12-24


( C   ) 1. The number of people invited  ______  fifty, but a number of them  _______  absent for different reasons.

    A. were,  was                       B. was, was

    C. was,  were                       D. were, were

( A ) 2. E-mail, as well as telephones,  ________ an important part in daily communication.

    A. is playing                        B. have played

    C. are playing                       D. play

(  C  ) 3. ______  of the land in that district  ______  covered with trees and grass.

    A. Two fifth,  is                     B. Two fifth,  are

    C. Two fifths,  is                    D. Two fifths,  are

( B  ) 4.  Ten minutes  ______  a long time for one who waits.

    A. seem                           B. seems

    C. seemed                         D. are seemed

( A  ) 5. Eric is the only one of the boys who  _____  a driving license.

    A. has                              B. have

    C. is having                         D. are having’

(  B  ) 6. Joy and Sorrow  _____  next-door neighbours.

    A. is              B. are          C. were         D. be

(  B  )7. In my opinion, some of the news  _____  unbelievable.

    A. are              B. is           C. has been      D. have been

( C  )8. When  ______  the United Nations founded?

    A. is               B. are           C. was          D. were

( B   )9. Every possible means  _____  .

    A. has tried                           B. has been tried

    C. was tried                           D. were tried

(  C ) 10. What she says and does  _____  nothing to do with me.

    A. was                  B. were        C. has         D. have

(  D )11. There  _____  a dictionary and several books on the desk.

    A. are                   B. must         C. have been   D. is

(  C  )12. Nobody  ______  seen the film.  It’s a pity.

    A. but Tom and Jack have                   B. except Tom and Jack have

    C. but my friends has                       D. but I have

( B )13. No teacher and no student  ______.

    A. are admitted                            B. is admitted

    C. are admitting                           D. is admitting

(  D  )14. All but one  ______ here just now.

    A. is               B. was                C. has been         D. were

( A )15. When and where to build the new factory  _____  yet.

    A. is not decided                           B. are not decided

    C. has not decided                          D. have not decided

(  A  ) 16. The writer and singer  ______  here.

A. is           B. are         C. were         D. do

( C  ) 17. As I have a meeting at four, ten minutes  _____ all that I can spare to talk with you.

        A. are    B. was          C. is           D. were

( C  ) 18.  In those days John with his classmates  _____  kept busy preparing for the exam.

          A. is                   B. are

          C. was                 D. were

(  B ) 19. —— ____  your clothes?

       ——No,  mine  _____ hanging over there.

        A. Is it, is                    B. Are these, are

        C. Is it, are                   D. Are these, is

( D ) 20. The Smith’s family, which  ____  rather a large one,  ____ very fond of their old houses.

         A. were, were                B. was, was

         C. were, was                 D. was, were

(B  ) 21. What the teacher and the students want to say  _____ that either of the countries  ____ beautiful.

        A. are,  are                     B. is, is

        C. are, is                        D. is, are

( D  ) 22. He is the only one of the students who  _____ a winner of scholarship for three years.

        A. is                           B. are

        C. have been                     D. has been

( B  ) 23. _____  of my brothers are reporters.  Covering events, meetings, or sports meetings  ______  their duty.

         A. Each, are                     B. Both, is

         C. Neither, are                   D. None, is

(  C ) 24. —— What do you think of the ______ of the coat?

        —— It’s rather high.  You can buy a cheaper one in that shop.

        A. value          B. cost           C. price    D. use

( C) 25. —— Are the two answers correct?

        —— No,   ______  correct.

        A. no one is                      B. both are not

        C. neither is                      D. either is not

(  B ) 26. The wind, together with rain and fog,  _____  making sailing difficult.

        A. have been                     B. was

        C. /                             D/ are


1.C   2.  A   3. C    4. B   5. A   6.  B   7. B    8. C   9. B  10. C   11. D   12. C   13. B   14. D  15. A   16. A  17. C   18. C   19. B   20. D   21. B   22. D   23. B   24. C   25. C   26. B


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